Worship Renewal 3 – Study Worship and the Bible

1 09 2009

As we continue to look at Worship Renewal, step #3 of the 7 Steps to Worship Renewal (Worship Leader Magazine, pg. 28) brings us to studying Worship and the Bible. Honestly, if you were to prioritize these steps, this one and the last we will look at – Prayer – would rank as the top two. I don’t know why the editors chose to arrange the article the way they did, but there can be no question that we cannot have renewal if God’s Word is not part of it.

For most of us, when asked where we hear the Word of God in worship our first answer would likely be the Pastor’s message or the scripture readings. However, the music we use in our worship services are just as much a vessel for carrying God’s truth. Maybe even more so! Brian Doerksen (Songwriter, recording artist, author, speaker, and pastor – author of “Come, Now is the Time to Worship”) writes:

“It struck me how often we send our preachers away to study the Scriptures, so they can preach sermons that people promptly forget. (Can you recite back a chunk of even last week’s sermon?) But we tell our worship leaders and songwriters, ‘Just write us a simple song we can sing in church!’”

Give it a try. Without looking at any of Pastor’s sermon notes (or looking back on my blogs!) try to remember what Pastor spoke about on Sunday. The message title was: “Lessons in Gratitude” Does that help? You may remember the gist of it, but the finer points will take some research. However, if I told you that we sang “Thanks Be To God” that same week, you’ll likely be humming or singing it in your head for the next day or so! Brian goes on to write:

“People are remembering and singing the songs we write and sing, but are those songs saturated with truth that will endure longer than the ‘groove of the month?’ If we want our songs to stand the test of time, we are going to have to dig deeper theologically and be prepared to embrace a lifestyle of study.”

So, this one is for the worship bands primarily (but anyone can answer!): How can we, together as a group, dig into God’s word and make sure that we are keeping our worship rooted in scripture? You may think that’s my job as Worship Coordinator. But it’s really a team effort. So let’s see what we can come up with if we get outside the box a little!

Being There For a Friend – During a Break-up, Part 2 (June 13-14)

11 06 2009

We continue this week in Pastor’s series on helping others in crisis with Part 2 of his message “Being There for a Friend – During a Break-up.” Last week we looked at the first four characteristics of a true friend. This week, we’ll hear three more. This life is not meant to be traveled alone – particularly in the valleys. When we enter into our friend’s troubles, we become God’s instrument of grace and mercy…and we will see miracles happen. Hear Paul’s words to the Philippians: “being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1: 6)

The readings for this week:
Old Testament:  Psalm 27: 11-14
New Testament:  Philippians 1: 6-11
Gospel:  John 16: 7-15

Gathering:  “God of Wonders”
Opening:    “We Sing Hallelujah”
                    “Better Is One Day”
Offering:    “Who Am I”
Closing:     “Blessed Be Your Name”
Sending:    “Glory”

Opening:  “We Sing Hallelujah”
                  “God of Wonders”
Prayer:    “Better Is One Day”
Closing:   “Blessed Be Your Name”
Sending:  “Glory”

Prepare to Worship – The Helper (May 30-31)

28 05 2009

Okay…here it is, just like I promised. This week Jason will be preaching in Pastor’s stead and bringing us a message entitled “The Helper.” His message will look at the Holy Spirit and the help that is promised us through Him. Jesus tells His disciples in the Gospel reading from John, “…I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of Truth…”

The readings for this week:
Old Testament:  Genesis 11: 1-9
New Testament:  Acts 2: 1-4
Gospel:  John 14: 15-17, 25-26

Gathering:  “Enough”
Opening:    “Hosanna”
                  “And I Love You”
Offering:    “Shout to the Lord”
Closing:     “You’re Worthy of My Praise”
Sending:    “You Never Let Go”

Opening:  “Hosanna”
                “You Never Let Go”
Prayer:    “And I Love You”
Closing:   “You’re Worthy of My Praise”
Sending:  “Enough”

Prepare to Worship – The Ascension of Our Lord (May 23-24)

21 05 2009

I’ve decided that I need to have more brevity in my posts, so this will be short and sweet. This is the weekend on the church calendar when we celebrate Christ’s ascension into heaven. Follow His death and resurrection, Jesus appeared to some 500 people – including His disciples – and ministered to them. Once that was completed, He was taken into heaven to sit at God’s right hand. Our readings for this weekend tell the story, so use them as you worship through the week and prepare to come and meet with God either Saturday or Sunday.

The readings for this week:
Old Testament:  Psalm 110
New Testament:  Acts 1: 1-11
Gospel:  Luke 24: 44-53

Gathering: Meet With Me
Opening:   The Wonderful Cross
Offering:    I Love You Lord
Closing:     Every Move I Make
Sending:    Ancient of Days

Opening:    Meet With Me
                   The Wonderful Cross
Prayer:      Sanctuary
Closing:     Every Move I Make
Sending:    Marvelous Light

Prepare for Worship – What Amazes Jesus? (May 16-17

14 05 2009

An interesting question: What Amazes Jesus? I tend to thing that nothing would amaze our Lord and Savior because he was there for creation, the fall, the cross (obviously!), and will be there for the end of all things as we know it. But the Bible says on occasion that Jesus was amazed. Mark 6: 5-6 from our Gospel reading this week says:

“He could not do any miracles there, except lay His hands on a few sick people and heal them. And He was amazed at their lack of faith.” (emphasis mine)

So, what do you think amazed Jesus? Give it some thought as you study the scriptures below and then come this weekend prepared to hear from God.

The readings for this week:
Old Testament:  Psalm 119: 81-88
New Testament:  Hebrews 6: 1-6
Gospel:  Mark 6: 1-6

Gathering:  “In the Secret”
Opening:      “We Come to Praise You”
Communion: “We Are Hungry”
                        “I’m Counting on You”
Offering:    “Thy Kingdom Come”
Closing:      “Mighty to Save”
Sending:     “Rock of Ages”

Opening:  “In the Secret” 
                  “We Are Hungry”
Prayer:    “I’m Counting on You”
Closing:    “Mighty to Save”
Sending:  “Rock of Ages”

Prepare to Worship – Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner (Apr. 18-19)

15 04 2009

Apparently, research has shown that the Sunday following Easter features the lowest church attendance of the year. I don’t know if that’s why Pastor asked Jason to preach this weekend or not, but at least it will shake things up a bit.

Actually, Pastor is out of town and we are blessed to have Jason bringing us the message this week. The title – “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” is a reference to our Gospel reading this weekend in Luke. The two men Jesus encountered on the road to Emmaus were not expecting to meet Jesus – he was supposedly dead, remember? But their encounter left them changed before they even knew who they were speaking to, which was revealed over a meal when Jesus broke bread. We read in the account that Jesus explained from the scriptures what had happened – and that’s where we get our cue. Jesus is revealed in the word of God!

Logistical note: Despite being the 3rd Sunday of the month, Pastor has decided we will not be offering communion this weekend.

The readings for this week:
Old Testament:  Genesis 3: 14-15
New Testament:  Acts 10: 24-43
Gospel:  Luke 24: 13-35

Gathering:  “My Redeemer Lives”
Opening:     “Open the Eyes of My Heart”
                    “Spirit of Truth”
Offering:     “Total Praise”
Closing:     “You Alone”
Sending:    “My Redeemer Lives”

Opening:  “Open the Eyes of My Heart”
                   “Spirit of Truth”
Prayer:    “Give Us Clean Hands”
Closing:   “My Redeemer Lives”
Sending:  “You Alone”

Prepare to Worship – Palm Sunday: Passionate Healing (Apr. 4-5)

2 04 2009

Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!

This week is Palm Sunday – the start of Holy Week and the day we celebrate the Triumphant Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. In liturgical circles, we also celebrate this Sunday as Sunday of the Passion – the start of the week that would ultimately lead to Jesus’ crucifixion and our salvation from sin through that death and subsequent resurrection.

Our message this weekend will be titled “Passionate Healing” and looks at what Christ did for us on the cross as well as what we are to do for others. Christ bore immense physical and emotional pain on the cross – all so that we could be freed from our sin. He did it because there was no way we could do it ourselves. While we may never be called on to die for someone, we have the responsibility to step in and care for those around us who are in need – physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

The readings for this week:
Old Testament:  Isaiah 53: 3-6
New Testament:  Romans 15: 1-6
Gospel:  Luke 19: 28-38

Gathering:  “Hope Set High”
Opening:    “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna”
                    “The Heart of Worship”
Communion: “Empty Me”
                         “Be My Home”
                         “You Are My King (Amazing Love)”
Offering:   “Change My Heart, O God”
Closing:    “Thanks Be to God”
Sending:   “How Majestic is Your Name”

Opening:  “Hosanna” 
                   “Love is Here”
Prayer:    “The Heart of Worship”
Communion: “You Are My King (Amazing Love)”
Closing:   “Marvelous Light”
Sending:  “Love is Here”

Prepare for Worship – The Apostles’ Creed, Part 3 (Mar. 21-22)

18 03 2009

As Easter closes in on us, we conclude this week Pastor’s 3-part series on the Apostles’ Creed. Last week, we left off with Jesus having died. But those of us who already know the story know that this was not the end. We profess a risen and living Savior in the church and this Creed states that very clearly and concisely. If you need to refresh your memory – or catch up – you can check out the past two sermons online over the rest of the week and then come on out and celebrate the work that God has done.

The readings for this week:
Old Testament:  Isaiah 53: 9-12
New Testament:  Ephesians 4: 1-10
Gospel:  John 19: 23-30

Gathering:  “Seek First”
Opening:    “I Will Raise My Voice” 
                    “The Wonderful Cross”
Offering:    “Take Me In”
Closing:     “Holy Is the Lord”
Sending:    “Go and Do”

Opening:  “I Will Raise My Voice” 
                  “The Wonderful Cross”
Prayer:    “Take Me In”
Closing:    “Holy Is the Lord”
Sending:   “We Want to See Jesus Lifted High”

The Apostles’ Creed, Part 2 (Mar. 14-15)

12 03 2009

“And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.  He descended into Hell.  The third day He rose again from the dead.  He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.  From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead.”

In our second week looking at the Apostles’ Creed, we are brought to the second person in the Holy Trinity – the Son, Jesus Christ. Pastor mentioned last week that the Creeds were developed, in part, as a response to heresy that had arisen in the church. While not much was needed regarding God the Father, heresy that surrounded the person and work of Jesus seems to have been more prevalent and there is much more in the creed about Jesus. In these few sentences, we can find the core of Jesus’ purpose here on Earth – to die and rise again to save the world from sin.

The readings for this week:
Old Testament:  Isaiah 53: 3-7
New Testament:  Hebrews 2: 15-18
Gospel:  Luke 2: 8-20

Gathering:  “Your Name”
Opening:      “All I Have” 
                       “I Come to Worship You”
Communion: “We Are Hungry”
                          “In Christ Alone”
Offering:  “Sanctuary”
Closing:    “My Savior Lives”
Sending:   “Ancient of Days”

Opening:  “All I Have” 
                    “Your Name”
Prayer:      “We Are Hungry”
Closing:      “I Come to Worship You”
Sending:    “My Savior Lives”

Prepare for Worship – The Reality of Heaven, Part 3 (Feb. 28 – Mar. 1)

25 02 2009

Heaven. It’s a real place, free of sickness, sadness, suffering, sin, and death, where God lives and rules. It is not of or on this earth, but has been designed with human beings in mind and there we will become perfect. But how do we get there? What do we do now that we are armed with the teaching from the past five weeks on both Heaven and Hell? The series ends this weekend with the final part of Pastor’s message on “The Reality of Heaven.” The questions above will be answered as we start off the Lenten season in preparation for Easter.

In addition to our regular weekend services, we worship every Wednesday in Lent starting today with Ash Wednesday. Beginning next week, join us for dinner at 6pm followed by our service at 7pm featuring testimonies from members of the First Trinity Family and including the Martin Luther High School Concert Choir and Troubadours on Wed, March 4.

The readings for this week:
Old Testament:  Psalm 24: 1-6
New Testament:  2 Corinthians 4: 13-18
Gospel:  Matthew 10: 40-42

Gathering:  “God of Wonders”
Opening:     “How Great is Our God” 
                      “You Are God Alone”
Communion: “Draw Me Close”
                         “Holy and Anointed”
                         “I’m Counting on You”
Offering:    “Who Am I”
Closing:     “Mighty To Save”
Sending:    “Forever and Ever”

Opening:  “Marvelous Light” 
                   “How Great is Our God”
Prayer:     “Draw Me Close”
Communion: “Holy and Anointed One”
Closing:   “Mighty to Save”
Sending:  “Marvelous Light”