Journey to Worship

7 05 2010

When we think of worship, the first thought for most of us is our church service(s) on Sunday morning. Then we quickly expand those thoughts into something much more all-encompassing, like lifting praise and adoration to God, telling Jesus how much we love Him, or living our lives in such a way as to bring glory to God. If we are really good, we’ll add that worship is experiencing and building our relationship with God! The reality is that worship is a very personal act for any Christian and, as a result, we are all going to describe it a little differently.

Recently, I have started thinking of worship more in terms of a journey – more specifically, the goal of this journey we call life. To quote Chris Tomlin, “you and I were made to worship.” In fact, worship is woven into the very fabric of creation. When the Pharisees told Jesus to quiet His disciples during the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Jesus replied, if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out. (see Luke 19:40) So, putting our sinful nature aside, it is only natural that we would be geared to worship the God who breathed our very life into us. But, let’s face it: There are times when worship is not only the farthest thing from our minds, but is also difficult and even downright exhausting!

And that is where it becomes a journey. Almost any trip we take has its ups and downs, and yet we keep traveling because we have some place to be. The same is true with life, whether we realize it or not. We have someplace to be – no matter whether we are on the broad…road that leads to destruction or the narrow…road that leads to life. (see Matthew 7: 13-14) We all share a finish line! Paul writes to the Philippians that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on the earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2: 10-11). When the journey is over, we will all bow before God and acknowledge Jesus. Even those who do not acknowledge Jesus in this life will acknowledge Him – to their utter dismay – after this life is over. We will all bow…and we will all worship. We are far better off to make that our goal now than waiting until it is too late.

After a few months of trying (and more or less giving up) to reinvent this blog, I have figured out that the best thing for me to do is share the journey. It is the weekly journey between Sundays; it is the journey from one church to the next; it is the journey over the mountain tops and through the valleys of life. It is a journey from worship, through worship and…

…a Journey to Worship!