In the Beginning…the Search for Awe

26 09 2010

As my last post indicated, I want to re-kindle a sense of awe and wonder in my prayer life. I want to get a better and bigger sense of who God really is and to let that shape my interactions with Him. But the question that has haunted me for the past week or so as I pondered this is: Where to start?

So, I did what any reasonable person would do. I went to the beginning; to the Genesis account of God’s creation of…well…everything! It really doesn’t get much more basic than that.

What I found fascinating, however, are the things that you can pick out when you dive into these passages. No matter how often we read them or how long we have known the story, when you stop to actually think/feel/ponder through scripture, it seems to come more alive. At least, it does for me. Consider:

  • Genesis 1:1“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” We often hear of God speaking everything into existence. But in the scriptural account, God doesn’t speak until he brings light into the universe. The heavens, earth, and “waters,” each in their formless state, came into existence before then and, so far as we are told, without words. I find that fascinating!
  • In Genesis 1:6, we are told that God separates the waters with “an expanse” that He called “sky.” That expanse was later filled with the sun, moon, and the stars…so the “sky” is all that we can see out in space. But what are the “waters” above the sky? Could this be a reference to a physical heaven (and maybe hell) that exist beyond the edge of creation?
  • We often think of Heaven as God’s house – His dwelling – and assume that Heaven has always been there. But the thinking from the two previous points leads me to think of Heaven itself as a created place. God not only made a place for us to live here, but also a place for Himself to live and, eventually, us to live with Him. Maybe it’s not news to you, but I had not seen it that way before.

I know…my ponderings can get rather deep at times. But if I’m going to re-kindle that awe, then I need to go deep and let myself be amazed by things I’ve read, but not seen previously.

One of the tools I use for that is visualization – a great use for my over-active imagination! And as I read the creation account again, I let my mind roam free and conjure a mental motion picture of the events. If you want to get a sense of what that looked like, check out the new tab above labeled “Creation.” It’s not much longer than one of my regular posts and gives you some insight into how my brain sometimes works.

In the meantime, I’m going to continue to scour the scriptures and let myself be awed by who God is. If you have musings of your own that may help, please feel free to share!

Shock & Awe (or…is that Awesome God?)

15 09 2010

Something that has been settling in for me since our trip to Cape Vincent is the idea that I have…let’s say, forgotten…who God truly is. Or, at least part of who He is. We live in a very wealthy country and that can have an effect on how we look at our Creator and Lord. It brings a sense of entitlement that advertising and marketing agencies are more than willing to feed!

I was directed to the last chapters of Job – Job 38-41, specifically – during our trip and the possibility that God takes things away from us so that we will be able to see Him better. Having mourned in silence for seven days after unimaginable tragedy, Job asks the big “why” question, which seems perfectly normal to us. However, God doesn’t answer Job and instead asks several (mostly unanswerable) questions of His own. My friend in Cape Vincent suggested that God had taken Job through this valley so that Job would learn more about who God really is.

As I look at my prayer life, I’ve found my prayers to be rather informal lately…like I was talking to a friend. There’s nothing wrong with that. But this passage shows us a God who is much, much more! This is the God who created everything – literally!!! And that commands a great deal more respect than I think I give.

I want to be in awe of God…to stand in wonder at the being that created the X-Structure pictured in the banner above. I want to be blown away by the thought that God was planning me when he made Adam. And when I go to prayer, I want to tremble at the thought of being allowed to kneel before a supreme being I have no business coming before. Imagine what that will do to my worship, let alone my life.

I’m going to be seeking that awe in the coming months. Want to take the journey with me?